Published: 3 March 2023
A12 Junction Works
A12 Junction Works

Works to construct the new junction from the A12 will commence on the 19th March and be completed towards the end of August. At the request of Suffolk Highways working hours will be between 8.00pm and 5.00am, during which single lane closures will be implemented overnight with the re-establishing of 2 lane traffic flows during the day time. 

Works will include widening of the existing North and Southbound carriageway, introduction of a new signalised junction, new street light installation and re-surfacing to area’s of the A12. 


Phase 1

Offline works commence on the Morning of March 20th and run until Friday June 23rd. These works to be carried out between 07.00am and 04.00pm

Online works commence March 20th and run until mid- May, works will be carried out between 08.00pm and 05.00am Monday to Friday. Works within this phase will be mainly confined to the Northbound section. We are hoping the night time works will be concluded within the first 8-10 weeks.

Phase 2

Online night time works are due to commence the evening of June 26th and run until the evening of August 3rd, works to carried out between 08.00pm and 05.00am Monday to Friday. These works are to both Northbound and Southbound section.

Phase 3

This will commence 4th August and aim to be completed by 29th August, these works are to both Northbound and Southbound section and will likely include the street light installation.


These dates and timescales are what we hope and anticipate will be achieved, but you will appreciate that due to the complex nature and duration of the works that they may be subject to change. If these dates change for any reason we will update you. Upon completion of the works this section of the A12 will be subject to a reduced speed limit of 50mph thereafter.

In addition, the list below details the measures we have agreed with Breheny’s in an effort to minimise the disruption. This has been discussed with Suffolk County Council and East Suffolk Council.

  1. Use mobile plant/vehicles with broadband reversing alarms fitted
  2. Consider and review the methodology to be adopted at each stage of the works (beginning with the kerb removal/reinstatement and gulley works) with a view to minimising noise and vibration from those works. Try to therefore use more careful methods over more impactful methods. For example, can the old kerb be pulled out by excavator rather than using a breaker necessarily.
  3. Ensure guards/shrouds in place on relevant plant/equipment where they reduce noise levels.
  4. Utilise temporary and mobile acoustic barriers to screen works.
  5. Noise monitoring will take place during the construction period.
  6. Where practicable, conduct noisier works from 8.30pm and try to conclude these (if possible) before 12.00am, especially during sensitive works.
  7. Ensure no excessive use of lighting rigs.
  8. Use hybrid generators that will allow battery operation beyond 12.00pm.
  9. When not working keep all vehicles and mobile plant either switched off when near residential areas.
Silhouette Teams of Business Engineers looking for blueprints in construction sites through blurry construction sites at sunset.